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The White Mountains - A guide to witness calm beauty of Manali

Updated: Jul 29, 2023

Getting surrounded by a crowd can ruin your thoughts of visiting Manali. Read this travel blog to discover the calm beauty of the white mountain town.

"I want to ring the new year's bell beside the snow-capped mountains. Where should we go? How about Manali? Manali? The top-ranking and most visited hill station in India, isn't it? Are you fond of bumping shoulders with fellow travellers? If so, go walk on the streets of Manali. Do you really want to spend a fortune to visit Manali for the new year?" New year or not, this conversation might sound a lot familiar whenever you try to plan a visit to Manali.

For an offbeat solo traveller, a destination like Manali towards the end of December is a big no. Yet, I chose Manali as the destination for a snow-filled new year. I was lucky to witness the remarkable beauty of the Manali region during the five-day long trip. The budget-controlled journey got planned in less than ten days.

This blog post is an innocent attempt to bring out this wonderful experience. Furthermore, it answers 13 frequent questions that bemuse travellers wanting to visit Manali.

The beautiful winter landscape seen near Manali, Himachal Pradesh
The beautiful winter landscape seen near Manali, Himachal Pradesh

The post got crafted as a Manali travel guide. You can experience the journey by reading it in full or pick sections using the menu below.


Why is Manali famous?

Manali is a picturesque hill station. It's surrounded by snow-capped Himalayan peaks of Pir Panjal and Dhauladhar ranges. The glacier-fed river Beas originates from a staggering height of 14, 308 feet near Manali. It takes a serpentine course during its journey through the town. Manali is a destination that will surprise you with its magnificent views.

The picturesque Beas River Valley seen from Manali, Himachal Pradesh
The picturesque Beas River Valley seen from Manali

Where is Manali located?

The town of Manali is situated in the mountainous Indian state of Himachal Pradesh. It's located in the northern end of the Kullu district.

Is Manali crowded?

Yes. Manali is among the top five tourist destinations in India. It sees a heavy footfall of domestic and global tourists throughout the year.

Is Manali expensive?

It depends on the experience you want to get. Manali accommodates solo travellers, backpackers, families, and honeymooners alike. You can plan a trip to Manali well within your budget.

Things to do in Manali

You've got an awful lot of things to keep yourself occupied while you're in Manali.

Spend a day admiring the beauty of the snow-laden mountains. Feel the silence of serene Himalayan surroundings.

Set aside a day for an adventurous activity. This could begin with a moderate trek to a nearby mountain pass. For the adrenaline rush try rafting in the Beas River. For a bird-eye view of the Himalayan peaks try paragliding or hot air ballooning.

A hot air balloon preparing for take-off near Manali, Himachal Pradesh
A hot air balloon preparing for take-off near Manali

Reserve a day for a gentle walk to one of the old villages to witness their silence and the charm. You'll appreciate the simple lifestyle of the people in the harsh mountainous terrain.

Your daytime meal will be gratifying thanks to the café facing the white mountains. There're several sight-seeing points in case you're missing the tourist checklist.

A restaurant with snowy backdrop, Manali, Himachal Pradesh
In the Himalayas, a restaurant is no less than a tourist spot

When you're in an overwhelming place like Manali it pays to decide upon a theme that you wish to experience. My peak winter travel allowed me to choose the theme of witnessing the white mountains. I wished to see the snow-capped mountains as soon as I wake up, during my meals, while walking down the by lanes. And, of course, during my travel across the town of Manali.

The next section outlines my theme-based tourist places of Manali. You can visit them avoiding the crowd and without spending a fortune.

Tourist places in Manali

Old Manali

Modern-day Manali sees itself split between the old and new areas. The new area has an over-the-top urban feeling due to its glittering streets. They're filled with plenty of retail stores and modern restaurants. On average, it takes one hour to cover a mere distance of 1 KM here. New Manali is the worst example of tourism explosion that Himachal has seen in the last decade.

Old Manali is the exact opposite of New Manali. It is a few kilometres outside the main town. The distance is a blessing in disguise. It curtailed the commercialisation of the old quarters of Manali. As a result, you see the place retaining its calmness and beauty.

Old Manali has a good mix of accommodation options. This includes backpacker hostels, guest houses, budget hotels, and luxury resorts. Regardless of the price, they've one thing in common - unprecedented views of the valley.

Snow-capped mountains seen outside Vashisht, Himachal Pradesh
Vashisht is a window to see the snow-capped mountains, Old Manali

I chose the village of Vashisht for my long stay of five days. Vashisht lies at a convenient distance of 3 KM from Manali Bus Stand (Mall Road). The walk to Vashisht from the bus stand is an experience in itself.

Looking for an offbeat place near Manali? This town on the banks of another Himalayan river is a heaven for nature lovers - an offbeat nature lover's paradise near Manali.

Cross the road once you descend from the narrow lane of the bus stand and take the Beas river bridge. Turn left to continue on the Manali - Leh National Highway. The next 500 metres could be boring. You see makeshift car garages and two-wheeler rental shops on either side of the lane. The Beas river expanding its course on the left is a surprise waiting as soon as you cross the last garage. The mountains on the fringes of the river bore a deep green forest. These are laden with snow during winters.

The road to Vashisht takes a sharp right turn after a kilometre. The narrow road ascends on a steep slope. Take a few steps to reach the corner of this road. The view from this point is an early sign of the phenomenal sight you're going to witness from the uplands.

The narrow road from Vashisht joining the Manali - Leh highway, Himachal Pradesh
The narrow road from Vashisht joining the Manali - Leh highway, Himachal Pradesh

The swindling road continues its ascend for another 1.5 KM to the main street of Vashisht. The narrow street got interspersed with hotels, cafés, and shops. The hotels on the left side of this road provide the best panoramic views of the snow-laden river valley.

Choose a property with a nice open balcony. This makes your room a tourist place. Congratulations! You're ready to witness the amazing sunrise over the white mountains in your pyjamas.

Begin your day with breakfast from one of the cafés. Sip your coffee looking at the snow-capped Himalayan mountains.

Morning coffee in the Himalayas, Manali, Himachal Pradesh
Morning coffee in the Himalayas, Manali

Embark on a leisure walk to burn the calories of the heavy breakfast. Vashisht has many hiking trails. Take one to witness the white mountains and the calm life of the villages dotting these trails.

Hiking towards Jogini Waterfall is a worthwhile option for this experience. Switch over to the narrow lane at the dead-end opposite the famous Vashisht Temple. The alleyway cut across the village settlement during the gentle 3 KM ascend to the fall.

The best spot on the entire trail is about a kilometre before the fall. You need to cross a narrow stream that drains itself into the wide gorge you see your left. The view of the milky mountains at the other end of the valley will make you awestruck. From hereon the trail ascends on a steep path that's strewn with large boulders. A large fence at the fag end of this patch adds a bit of safety and beauty to the path vanishing in the woods.

The hiking trail to Jogini Waterfall, Manali, Himachal Pradesh
The hiking trail to Jogini Waterfall, Old Manali

Jogini Waterfall is one of the popular spots visited by tourists. The fact is evident as you see the urban folks playing loud music on giant Bluetooth speakers. The good thing is they move after a quick round of selfies. The problem is you see the batch repeating itself in succession. These are situations that test your patience. The wait is worthwhile once you find the valley all to yourself. I got yet another moment to enjoy the soft dusk scene.

Landscape view seen from the Jogini Fall trail, Manali, Himachal Pradesh
Landscape view seen from the Jogini Fall trail

I remembered passing by this makeshift café that stood next to the trail on lean bamboo legs. Its low overhead allowed a view that made the peaks look like a big melting vanilla ice cream. The evening got called off with tea and bread omelette.

Tea, bread omelette, and the view, Manali, Himachal Pradesh
Tea, bread omelette, and the view, Manali, Himachal Pradesh

How to reach Vashisht from Manali

Besides the walk, you've got two other options to reach Vashisht from Manali.

The cute little three-wheeler seen everywhere in India is your default option. You guessed it right! We're talking about the autorickshaw. An auto ride can cost anywhere between INR 150 - 300.

The state-owned Himachal State Transport Corporation (HRTC) operates a shuttle service between Manali and Vashisht. It runs every ten minutes between 9 AM - 5 PM in both directions and cost INR 20. The service uses a minivan type of vehicle. Its limited boot space can only accommodate two check-in trolley bags. This isn't an option if you're carrying excess baggage.

HRTC Manali Vashisht minivan, Manali Bus Stand, Himachal Pradesh
HRTC Manali Vashisht minivan, Manali Bus Stand

Solang Valley

Solang Valley is a sprawling mountain valley interspersed with emerald-green coniferous trees. The rolling slopes of the valley spread in the form of giant lawns makes it a perfect ski resort. The valley is popular for its summer and winter sports. The unprecedented beauty of the Himalayan landscape seen here will make you spellbound.

Solang Valley showing its snowy shine, Himachal Pradesh
Solang Valley showing its snowy shine, Himachal Pradesh

Solang Valley is popular with tourists and locals alike throughout the year. Peak winter months see the Manali - Solang Valley road jammed packed in the morning hours. The tsunami of tourists returning to Manali makes the return even more painful.

If you wish to get yourself free from the rush then plan to start early, preferably at 7 AM. This will allow you ample time to enjoy and experience the beauty of the valley minus the tourist crowd. Return by 3 - 4 PM to reduce the risk of getting stuck in massive traffic congestion.

Traffic snarl on the narrow street, Solang Valley, Himachal Pradesh
Frequent traffic snarl on the narrow street, Solang Valley

To indulge in winter sports activities you need to reach the summit point. The summit has a ropeway. It takes you higher for a breath-taking birds-eye view of the magnificent mountains.

Reach this high-altitude meadow in Uttarakhand using the ropeway in 22 minutes. The second-highest ropeway in Asia provides a breathtaking view of snow-capped Himalayan peaks. Read more

Reaching the summit could be a nightmare. The no-cost option is to embark on a hike over the uneven trekking trail. High altitude brings strong sunlight even during winters. The melting snow makes the path slippery.

A rather quick option is to take an ATV or a horse ride. This might sound thrilling, but, could be risky due to the haphazard handling by the operators. It'll cost at least INR 500 per person for either of them.

Ready for the uphill ride, Solang Valley, Himachal Pradesh
Ready for the uphill ride, Solang Valley

In hindsight, it might look tempting to head to the summit. Yet, it's better to find an area where the snow remained untouched by the multitude. I found one such corner after a gentle hike of 2 KM through the zigzag snow-filled trail. From this point, I had clear views of the lofty mountains.

Untouched snow, Solang Valley, Himachal Pradesh
Finding untouched snow isn't a problem in Solang Valley

How to reach Solang Valley from Manali?

A full-day private taxi trip to Solang Valley can cost between INR 1700 - 4000. Manali taxis, unlike other hill stations in India, doesn't follow a union-mandated rate. Thanks to the ridiculous tourist footfall throughout the year, these rates often fluctuate.

Opting for public transport can make this trip a lot affordable. HRTC operates electric buses between Manali Bus Stand (Mall Road) and Solang Nullah in the morning hours. These services are available at 8 AM and 10 AM. The less than 30 minutes journey costs INR 27.

A HRTC electric bus at Solang Valley, Himachal Pradesh
HRTC electric buses connects nearby towns to Manali

The last bus to Manali leaves at 5 PM. There's a catch here. The return bus doesn't come all the way up to the point where it dropped you earlier (Can you guess why? Write it in the comment section below). Instead, it makes a U-turn from the road junction at the end of Palchan village. You need to walk downhill for about 3.5 KM from the parking area of Solang Valley to catch the bus.

Even so, this walk will be a rewarding experience. It brings enormous opportunities to witness the fabulous snow-capped landscape in great variations. You'll appreciate the sight of a stone house in the backdrop of white mountains. Stay put up near the forest-green girder bridge. Soak into the splendid beauty of cascading hills that looks like a fresh painting in white. The bus halt is less than a kilometre from this point.

Palchan Brigde near Solang Valley, Himachal Pradesh
Palchan Brigde near Solang Valley

Solang Valley weather

Cotton-like snow blankets the valley during the winter months of December - January. The immaculate landscape adds quintessential beauty to the misty mountains. Winter opens the door for many adventure sports such as skiing, quad biking, snow trekking.

Snow melts during the summer months starting May. This brings an opportunity to witness the rugged mountains in their raw form. This is a suitable time for zorbing, paragliding, parachuting, and horse riding. Summer lasts till June.

The monsoon during July - September brings heavy rainfall. The cloud covered sky is often plagued with heavy mist. This period sees landslides and flash floods.

Where is Solang Valley in Manali?

Solang Valley is located at a distance of 14 KM from Manali.

What is the height of Solang Valley?

Solang Valley is situated at an altitude of 8500 feet from the mean sea level.

Naggar Castle

Naggar Castle is a 15th-century castle perched on top of a hill. It gapes the phenomenal Beas River valley. Its arched verandas provide an exquisite view of the snow-laden mountains.

Inside view of Naggar Castle, Himachal Pradesh
Inside view of Naggar Castle, Himachal Pradesh

The castle got built-in traditional Western-Himalayan architecture. Its construction used only two materials of stone and wood. The walls got composed of alternate layers of wooden beams and proportionate stone. The building doesn't use any form of metal, even in windows and doors.

The castle survived the earthquake of 1905 that saw most of the houses in the valley perishing to ruins. The innovative design shielded the castle from devastation.

The stone and wood wall is a prominent construction feature, Naggar Castle, Himachal Pradesh
The stone and wood wall is a prominent construction feature

The castle got immense prominence among the Indian movie makers. The enduring view of the snow peaks seen from its corners best explains the fame.

This hill station in South India is popular among moviemakers for over five decades. Find out more

At present the govt. run Himachal Tourism (HPTDC) manages the castle. It's open to tourists for a fee of INR 30. A part of the castle got converted to run as a luxury heritage hotel. You can book a room online using HPTDC official website.

The castle provides a plethora of photo-ops opportunities. Begin with the arched balcony you see right after crossing the huge living room. You might find an empty vintage sofa near the carved wooden railing. Yes, the one that's looking at the sweeping Himalayan landscape with an innocent eye. Looks like someone taking a trip down memory lane.

The snow-capped valley seen from the verandah, Naggar Castle, Himachal Pradesh
The snow-capped valley seen from the verandah

Head to the central courtyard to witness the grandeur of the castle. The stone and wood artistry is a result of the incredible minimalistic design of the bygone era. The sprawling view of the snow-clad mountains will pull you towards the edge of the courtyard. Stay here to admire the sun painting the sky with subtle beige light before going down behind the peaks.

A glimpse of the evening sun from the edge, Naggar Castle, Himachal Pradesh
A glimpse of the evening sun from the edge

End your day at the outdoor restaurant on the third floor. This happens to be the verandah outside the indoor restaurant. The tables got arranged parallel to the edge. This allows unhindered views of the landscape from the comfortable large chair. You'll love your evening coffee in the company of the Himalayan mountains.

Enjoy the view with a coffee, Outdoor Restaurant, Naggar Castle, Himachal Pradesh
Enjoy the view with a coffee, Outdoor Restaurant, Naggar Castle

How to reach Naggar Castle from Manali?

Naggar Castle lies at a distance of 22 KM from Manali. The town of Naggar is accessible by the public as well as private modes of transport.

A private taxi booked for a round trip costs INR 1800 - 3000 depending on the type of vehicle. This rate is valid for five hours. Ensure to mention the extra time before agreeing on the cost if you wish to stay longer.

Local buses to Naggar operates at a good frequency from the Manali bus stand. The trip costs INR 40 per person. The bus drops you off at Naggar market. You need to walk uphill for 800 metres to reach the castle. Taking this walk gives you the chance to see a scene seen in the below picture.

Panoramic view of Naggar town, Himachal Pradesh
Panoramic view of Naggar town, Himachal Pradesh

Manali hotels

Manali has many staying options. This includes backpacking hostels, homestays, Airbnb, budget/luxury hotels, resorts. Hostels and homestays are often situated outside the main town. A worthwhile option if you wish to stay away from the hustle-bustle. Their odd location sometimes can provide an astounding view of the surrounding valleys.

Manali has some of the best resorts that offer breath-taking views. These are often quite expensive. The price can sometimes go over INR 25K per night.

You'll have no problem finding a decent hotel, there's plenty of them spread all across the town of Manali. I got lucky to stumble upon an Old Manali hotel that overlooked the snowcapped Beas River Valley. The large balcony of my room allowed a sunrise view right outside the room. The hotel got itself converted into a hostel in recent times. The room with the balcony got retained as a private room. An affordable option as the room is still priced around its old base price of INR 900.

Morning view from my hotel room, Manali, Himachal Pradesh
Morning view from my hotel room, Old Manali

Manali what to eat?

From Indian to continental, Manali offers a wide variety of food choices. The cafés of Old Manali offers the best views of the Himalayan landscape. Enjoy the view while you gorge on the hot food on a cold afternoon.

Sizzler in the backdrop of snow-capped mountains, Manali, Himachal Pradesh
In Manali, snow view is complimentary with every meal

Manali best time to visit

It's possible to visit Manali anytime during the year. Unlike the other hill stations, Manali has no peak season. In fact, it's in peak season mode throughout the year. You should pick a time based on the kind of experience you want to indulge into.

April - June is summer in Manali. The higher reaches of Manali such as Solang and Rothang La remains covered in snow till mid-May. The daytime temperature hovers around 15 - 20° C. Nights can dip to as low as 5° C. This happens to be the best time if you wish to see the valley in clear sight. Days are often sunny. Also, a good time, if you want to indulge in summer sports activities.

Early winter landscape, Manali, Himachal Pradesh
Manali remains covered with snow for most of the year

July - September brings heavy rains in Manali due to the onset of the monsoon. Incessant rain results in dreadful landslides. 2021 saw eight incidents of ghastly landslides in Himachal that killed over 100. Days usually remain overcast. During this time, there're high chances of you getting stuck in your hotel room. For these reasons, it's better to avoid the monsoon altogether.

October - March marks the winter season in Manali.

When to visit Manali for snowfall?

Manali sees snow from November. The snowfall increases during the peak winter period of December - February.

Looking for a snowy destination? This offbeat Uttarakhand town overlooks the five magnificent Himalayan peaks - waking up in the lap of the Himalayas.

Is it ok to visit Manali in January?

Yes. It's possible to visit Manali in January. Manali and its surrounding areas see heavy snowfall during January. The entire region wears a white blanket. Indeed, an excellent time to witness snow. Night temperature can drop to -10° C.

A snowy day during the peak winter month of January, Manali, Himachal Pradesh
A snowy day during the peak winter month of January, Manali, Himachal Pradesh

The second week of January sees the new year revellers departing from Manali. This means this is the time when you see fewer heads in your selfies. Hence, a good time to plan a trip.

Is December good time to visit Manali?

Yes. December is a good time to visit Manali. The higher regions of Manali often get enough snow by mid-December. This is a good time to plan a day excursion to high-altitude places such as Solang and Sissu. Thanks to Atal Tunnel Sissu and Keylong visit is now possible during winters.

Which month is best for Manali?

The second week of January. My childhood days in the mountains makes me long for snow and cold temperatures. For me, this is the best time while getting some respite from the heavy tourist footfall.

Having said that, it's you who decides what's best for you. I hope the preceding section helps you in the decision-making process.

Solang Valley bathed in snow in January, Manali, Himachal Pradesh
Solang Valley bathed in snow in January, Manali, Himachal Pradesh

How many days should I spend in Manali?

Four days will allow you to cover the important places at ease. Keep an extra day or two if you wish to embark on excursions to far off places such as Sissu, Manikaran, Tosh etc.

What should I carry for Manali trip?

A fleece jacket will be useful irrespective of the time of travel. Light winter wear should be enough for summer.

Carry heavy woollens, inners, and woollen socks if travelling during peak winter. Clothes made up of quick-dry fabric works great in such conditions. As the name suggests, they dry real quick and are lightweight.

You'll have a love affair with snow if travelling during the peak winter season. Don't carry jeans and denim as they take a lot of time to dry. Avoiding them will lighten your luggage. This will be a blessing if your hotel got situated on elevated land and has no bell boy.

Monsoon is a big no, yet, if you're travelling carry a poncho and a rain jacket. With the gust of wind, it'll be difficult to hold on to an umbrella.

How to reach Manali from Delhi?

By Air: The domestic Kullu Manali Airport (IATA: KUU) at Bhuntar in Kullu is situated at a distance of 52 KM from Manali. Chandigarh has limited but direct flights connecting to Bhuntar. A couple of flights connects Delhi via Chandigarh. Flights on this route are unreliable due to the often changing mountain weather.

By Train: Jogindernagar (IRCTC Station Code: JDNX) railway station on the Pathankot - Jogindernagar narrow gauge line is situated at a distance of 144 KM from Manali. Chandigarh (IRCTC Station Code: CDG) at a distance of 305 KM is a major railhead with pan India connectivity.

By Road: Manali is 533 KM away from Delhi via the Panipat - Karnal - Ambala - Chandigarh - Mandi route.

What is the best way to go to Manali from Delhi?

By Bus/Public Transport: Manali route has many private and govt. bus services. The safe and reliable option is to book a seat on Delhi - Manali HRTC Volvo bus. HRTC also operates many non-AC bus services to Manali. These buses operate from the Kashmiri Gate ISBT. Book your tickets online using the official website.

Solang Valley hiking trail, Manali, Himachal Pradesh
Want to witness a snowy landscape? Take the road to Manali.

Manali has common issues that you see with any popular tourist destination in the world. Yet, there're enough quiet corners that allow you to witness its Himalayan landscapes.

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